
This post is written in partnership with LorenaCanals Rugs.  All ideas, thoughts, and opinions are my own.

Guys, you might not believe this about me, but I am a bit of a neat freak.  Clutter seriously throws me for a loop and when my house is a mess, my life is a mess.  I really wish I could be one of those moms who can let go of toys strewn about, play dough ground into the rug, laundry piling up.  I actually envy these people. But, I am not one of them.... I feel stressed all day if I leave a messy kitchen behind and carry on with my day.  BUT, I also love messy play.  I love when my children paint and use clay.  Sand and glitter do not freak me out and I even encourage my kids to gather buckets of mud and play in them.  Over the years I have developed a few hacks to successfully combine my passion for messy play and my love of a tidy house.  

1.  I married a fellow neat freak//  My husband can clean a kitchen something fierce.  He's never met a load of laundry, a pile of dishes or a bucket of sloppy paint jars he couldn't tackle. He's. The. Best.  He doesn't exactly embrace the messy side of things, but he is damn good at dealing with it.

2. Drop Cloth//  They are everything.  A large drop cloth on the floor or over the table frees me from worrying about paint spills or permanent markers.  I have three industrial size drop cloths in rotation at all times.  Ruby especially loves to look at the spills, stains, and marks we've accumulated over the years.  Each mark on the drop cloth serves as a treasured memory of projects past.  

3.  Bins//  When we are using a sensory bin inside (rice, shaving cream, oobleck) I put a smaller bin of the material inside a much larger bin.  This way when the rice inevitably spills over the side of the first bin, it falls right into the second bin.  Make sense?  No need to sweep, just dump the spill from one bin back into the other.  

4. Washable Rug// What? Yes. A machine-washable, natural rug that looks and feels amazing.  We have one in our playroom so that when the kids make playdough food for their animals or draw and color signs for the block buildings, I am cool as a cucumber.  No worries from this Mama.  "Sure guys, juice boxes and snacks are allowed in this playroom!" When they inevitably spill juice or get marker on my rug, I can toss it in the washing machine.  Amazing.  You can find this one HERE.  


What's your mess-comfort level? Are you an anything goes kind of mom or do prefer to keep things tidy? 




As the kids get older, bedtime gets easier.  No, it doesn't exactly get easy, but it does get easier.  Here's a little picture of the bedtime trials and tribulations with our newly-minted five-year-old.  I've broken it all down into complaint/ solution...  I hope some of our simple solutions work for you! 

(This post is written in partnership with Dock A Tot.  All opinions and ideas are my own. ) 

Complaint number one: It’s too dark!!  Solution: Dave installed a dimmer on the light switch and now she can sleep with her lights on the dim setting all night long. 

 Complaint: I won’t know when it is morning!  (So I will find it necessary to get up a thousand times to ask you if it is morning yet).

Solution: Hatch Baby Rest (night light, sound machine, ok-to wake, all in one device).  We use this both as a sound machine and an ok-to-wake light.  I particulary love this device for two reasons.   The first is that it is controllable via Bluetooth through my phone.  I can turn the sound up if the big kids are being noisy and I can easily change the wake-up time right from my phone! Yay! (You can find one HERE). 

Complaint: I’m thirsty!

Solution:  Cup of water next to the bed.  I only put a few inches of water in so that if it spills, it’s not a big deal.  If you are concerned about spillage, you could try this still-proof cup.  


Complaint: What If I wake up before the green light (ok to wake signal) and I want to play? She literally asks this question every. single. night.  

Solution: Sloane sleeps with her two favorite Angel Dear loveys every night.  They serve as both a toy and a security blanket.  She’s had her pink owl since she was a new-born baby.  I love these security blanket/ lovey dolls and they are always my go-to baby gift for new moms.  (You can find them HERE. )

Complaint: My pillow fell out of bed and I’m scared to get it! What if I fall out? 

Solution:  Dock A Tot Grand.  When we moved Sloane to a bed around two years old, we opted not to use a bed rail.  In my opinion, bed rail make cuddling tricky and tidying the bed is near-impossible!! So, right from the begining, I would just set her pillows in a U-shaped formation and tuck in her in tight.  It pretty much worked- I think she only fell out of bed maybe once?  Until recently… In the past six moths or so, Sloane has been knocking her pillows out of her bed.  For some reason, she is terrified of reaching down and getting them herself.  This has led to many middle of the night crying jags, followed by me dragging myself into her room to arrange her pillows- not exactly what I want to be doing at four in the morning.  After quite a few interrupted nights, I decided to check out the Dock A Tot.  This cozy contraption is everything.  Sloane loves it, she cuddles right in, blankets go up and over and nothing/ no one falls out of bed in the night and everyone stays asleep. She even brings it downstairs for movie night or into her sister’s room for a sleep-over.  The only problem? I want one in my size.  This thing is legit-comfortable. Now, if they could only find a way to solve the whole, "I don't want to sleep by myself" conundrum...  Any ideas??


I've taken some time to round up the items that are most popular with my crew right now and put them all in one place for you. And, to make life easier, it can all be found on Amazon!! 



Strider Bike// This is Sloane's absolute favorite. 

Jungle Jumparoo// Fan favorite for all of the neighborhood kids. 

Whittling Knife// Spring winds are dropping lots of branches that are perfect for carving.

Sidewalk Chalk// Always.


Swimmy  // This is one of my favorites from childhood.

Frederick // Another childhood favorite of mine that all three kids adore. 

 Frog and Toad //  We love reading this in the playroom or before bed.  Four stories in one! 

The Good Little Bad Little Pig  // This is SUCH a great book.  Do you know it? 

When Sophie Gets Angry  // I am always keeping this one handy. 

Sometimes You Get What you Want // A lesser know book that is a GEM.


Grimm’s Sticks  // I get so many questions about these sticks!

Marbles  // If you know us, you know these are in constant use! I think the kids are up to 160.  

Animals // My youngest is animal obsessed now.  

Magnatiles // I rearranged how we store these and it brought a new life into them! 

Play Silks // I changed these by putting them in a crate instead of hanging and now we can't get enough! 


 Liquid Water Colors  // These florescent ones are the best!! 

Water Color Holder  // Beautiful and so well-made. 

Color Burst Sharpies  // For layering on our water colors. 

Chalk // The kids have been crushing chalk to make paint. 

 Mallet  // For crushing chalk not fingers.

Drop Cloth  // My favorite absorbent canvas.

These are affiliate links, which means a get a tiny kickback when you purchase from my list.  It does not cost you anything.  Thank you for supporting The Workspace for Children. 



These are our favorite light table materials.  You can click on each photo and it will take you to amazon to purchase! These are affiliate links, which means that I get a tiny kickback from Amazon, but it does not cost you anything.  I will add to this page as I discover and try more materials.

Let me know if you are using any of these materials!! Tag me in your photos or DM me so that I can share my screenshots in my IG stories.  -LIzzie 




These are our favorite materials for our family playroom. If you want to shop these materials,  please click on each photo and it will take you to amazon to purchase. These are affiliate links, which means that I get a tiny kickback from Amazon, but it does not cost you anything.  

Let me know if you are using any of these materials!! Tag me in your photos or DM me so that I can share my screenshots in my IG stories.  -Lizzie 



We are kicking off Valentine's Day (month) with a fantastic giveaway and three simple ways to spread love and kindness within your own community this month. I've teamed up with Primary, Ooly, and Smarties Candy to bring you easy, fun activities to do as a family this month.  Make sure to head over to my Instagram Feed  to for a chance to win a mega-prize from these three brnads!



The children and I used  markers, stickers and paint sticks from @weareooly to make simple valentine cards for people in our community.  Here's how we did it...

I invited the children to think of a person in our community (school, neighborhood, town) that could use a little kindness this month.  We had a meaningful discussion about who might need a little extra kindness and why. I was so happy to hear my older two children (8 and 10) talk to one another about people in their schools who are so helpful, but rarely get thanked or recognized. They talked for a while about who they would each choose.  Nate decided on his school art teacher and the P.E. teacher.  Ruby decided to make a card for everyone on our street because she thinks everyone contributes to all the fun we have playing outside together.  My little one (4) didn’t really grasp the concept, but she delighted in making Valentine cards for her friends! When the cards were complete, Ruby loved sneaking her cards into mailboxes up and down our street. 



Later in the week, we made Valentine Cookies.  In an effort to keep things very simple, I purchased premade cookie dough (no shame in my baking game) and baked some heart shaped cookies while the kids were at school.  I colored some white, store-bought frosting with food coloring and  set out some little Valentine candies.  This activity was about gathering to make something for friends and neighbors, and I didn't want to burn myself out by making cookies from scratch, or by baking with the kids.  I like to remake everything and have it ready to go because simple activities make for a more relaxed experience.  The children arrived home from school to find the table set with frosting cookies and candies.  They were ecstatic!  They chomped on cookies, decorated some, and chatted about their day.  

When our cookies were ready to go, we popped them on some festive trays , bundled up, and the children rang doorbells and passed out cookies to brighten the day of our neighbors.  It was REALLY fun! It was also REALLY easy.  



Next up? We left messages of kindness and LOVE in the form of candy... Smarties Candy!! The lovely folks over at Smarties gave us tons of beautiful Valentine candy to leave on doorsteps, in mailboxes and on windshields all over town.  The kids had an awesome time munching on Smarties and writing little messages.  The best part? Sneaking around leaving treats.  As they fell asleep last night, they were all giggles as they thought about how people felt when they discovered candies on their windshields.  

There you have it, three easy ways to celebrate Valentine's Day while spending time together and brightening the days of those in your community.  How will your family celebrate this year? 

This post was sponsored by Primary, Ooly and Smarties.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.  

Thank you for following along. Don't forget to hop over to Instagram to win some great goodies!! 



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I am so thrilled that many of you purchased your first set of Unit Blocks over the holidays for your little ones.  They are certainly an investment, so I want to make sure that your children are actually using them!! Here is a simple guide to encouraging block play at home or in your classroom.  Three simple steps.  If you decide to follow them, let me know what works and what does not.  


  1. Edit Your Space

  2. Organize The Materials

  3. Hang Out With Your Blocks


Walk out of the room where your blocks live and then walk back in.  What is the first thing you feel when you walk into the room? Is there a designated space for block play? How is that space defined? Is the flooring sturdy and even or is it a shag carpet? 

My first bit of advice is to move some things around to make a designated area for building.  There are two reasons for this.  One, it shows your child that you value block play.  By creating a physical space designed for building, you are helping your child to focus on creating without distraction from his or her thoughts.  Think of it like this.. Do you have a designated space where you work? Maybe a desk or a table that holds your computer, important documents, and some reference books? It's easier than just plopping down in the middle of a chaotic, messy room and pulling out your computer, right? Same thing with building and playing.  

This space does not have to be spacious, just make sure it's big enough for your child to move around and build without getting in her own way.  If there are little siblings in the picture, it might help to put this space in an area that is protected from unsteady toddlers or speed crawlers.  Maybe you could put a small block shelf in your child's bedroom or perhaps in an area of the house that his little sibling cannot access.  (My sister put her block area in an enclosed pen to keep the little ones out and the builders building! Genius.).


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How do you store your blocks? Are they all dumped into a bin, stuffed behind the trucks and puzzles? You are not alone.  Pull them out and sort them by shape.  Your child can help you or you can grab a coffee and go it alone while listening to an awesome podcast.  I'd go the podcast route, but that's me.  

Once you have them sorted by shape, decide on a shelving system.  My father-in-law built us a custom shelf to house our blocks, but then again, I am the crazy block-lady.  You can use a shelf designed for blocks like this one, but these shelves are super pricey and any shelf system that you already have will do.  Better yet, check out your local facebook SWAP sites.  Get an IKEA hand me down.  However you decide to obtain a shelf, just get one.  Trust me, it makes all the difference in the world in how your child will use the blocks.  

When you have your shelf in place, lay out the blocks according to shape and size.  You can organize them in a manner that makes sense for you and your child.   I try to make sure the larger, heavier blocks are on the bottom, but I'm not sure it really matters.  The most important thing is that each shape is visually represented and can be easily accessed by the child.  


Alright! The hard part is over and all the really great learning and engagement is about to happen.  Invite your child into the space that you have created.  Show her how you've arranged the materials.  Ask her what she might build? Will it be a house for stuffed animals or a parking garage for her race cars?  Will she build flat or will her building be tall? 

With reluctant builders, I might 'pre-build.'  That means I might lay out a very simple structure and ask the child how he can add to it. Then follow his lead.  He adds a rectangle, you do the same.  Try to mirror their block building behavior.  Once they get going, you can slowly step back and let them go.  Remain interested, but do your own thing.  You want to encourage independent play.  

When I notice my children haven't been building a lot, I do one thing and it works EVERY TIME.  I sit in our block area.  I just sit there quietly and read on my phone or read a book to them.  They usually want to go wherever I am.  If I am in our block area, that's where they will be.  If those blocks are organized and displayed in an inviting fashion, they can't resist them.  And that, my friends, that's where the magic happens.  


Here is some language you might hear me using to encourage block play.

  • Which shapes will you use first?

  • How can you use these squares to make a long, flat line? How can you use them to make a tall, standing up line?

  • Which blocks would make a sturdy base for your buiding?

  • How can you make a house for your lovey? Will it be tall or will it be down low? Will it have a roof or a door or will it be open?

  • Can you make a pattern using the blocks?

  • Which block do you like? What do you like about it? How can you use it in a building?


  • Snap photos of your child's block building on your phone. Print them out and bind them together with a binder ring and a hole puncher.

  • Hang the photos around the block area to inspire your child.

  • Add a small basket of people and a small basket of cars to the block area. See how it changes the play.

  • Encourage your child to make signs for his or her buildings with a basket containing small pencil and papers. Just remind them not to write on the blocks.


I could write about the benefits of block play and how to encourage block play for hours and hours.  Do you want to pick my brain? I want to know WHAT you all need help with when using blocks in your home or classroom.  Leave me all your questions in the comments below and I will answer them.  

Our block collection is a hodge podge of unit blocks.  Some of them are from my childhood, some of them are THIS SET, and some of them are from THIS SET.  

Happy building, friends! As always, thank you for following along with me.  If you are not already, join me on Instagram by clicking here.  




SO MANY TOYS! Instead of toys, how about giving the children in your life the gift of creativity? Here are some ideas for you.

* I've written this post in collaboration with Discount School Supply.  I have been a customer of theirs since my oldest was born and he is ten!  Actually, now that I think about it, I have been shopping at Discount School Supply even longer than that.  As an early childhood educator, I loved getting the DSS catalog and circling all of the materials I wanted for my classroom.  I always know that I will recieve a high quality product at a fair price when I shop with Discount School Supply, so I am thrilled to share these supplies with you here.  

You can use this post as a gift guide or just a resource for what supplies to have on hand at home.  These materials are great for all ages and can be used time and time again. 

(You can click on the photo or the bold type-face for links to purchase direct from DSS.)  


Roll Paper

ROLL PAPER   /This paper is everything. If you know me, you know I am OBSESSED with roll paper.  It was so useful when my children were tots and it still is now.  I cover our tables in this paper almost always. It serves as a way to protect the surface, but it is also an open invitation to create.  For young children, I roll it out on the floor, tape it down and hand them a washable marker (or paint, or stickers, or crayons, etc).  That huge white space and the invitation to create on it is so impactful, no matter how old you are.  These days, I cover our dining room table with this paper.  It offers a beautiful canvas for my children to come and go and create together.  On any given day, you will find our tabletop canvas covered in art and all three of my children creating together.    

Tempera Cakes 

TEMPERA CAKES /Tempera cakes are a wonderful way to use paint when you don’t want a huge cleanup.  The colors are bold and they don’t get all over the place.  These sets last FOREVER.  If you need Brushes and paper to go with the paint, I recommend THIS and THIS.  

Air Dry Putty


PUTTY  / I love this Putty.  It comes in wrapped packages so it's easy to portion out and you don’t have to worry about it drying out before you create with it.  My kids are always asking for more of this.  After the children create with it, it dries beautifully and can be painted.  

Contact Paper 

CONTACT PAPER /This stuff is SO versatile.   I love using contact paper for collage.  It takes out the “glue” step and allows your child to focus solely on the collage materials. Plus, there is very little clean up for you.  All you have to do is peel off the backing, tape the contact paper down to your surface with the sticky side UP, and give your child some materials to stick on. You could use magazine scraps, torn paper, leaves, or anything else your little one can come up with.  Bonus? If you tape it to the window, the sun shines through.  You can learn more about how we use contact paper by clicking HERE

Dot Markers

DOT MARKERS/ These are an art-cabinet staple for us.  Children LOVE these. Small children love the up and down motion of stamping and the ink is right inside! Older children can get very creative making patterns and whole masterpieces all with dots.  A great way to challenge the big kids.  See some of the ways we've used them by clicking HERE and HERE.


STICKERS/  I did a post a long time ago on our love of these stickers. You can read that post by clicking HERE.  For little children these stickers are the easiest to peel and stick.  If they are frustrated, peel the sticker for them and stick it on the edge of a little plastic container.  It makes using stickers easier and more inviting.  I also love that these stickers are open ended and not defined for them.  Look how my 7 year old used them HERE.


Markers/  I’m a bit old school in this regard, but these are my absolute favorite markers for all children.  They are washable, bold and can draw broad strokes or detailed lines.  They are also consistently inexpensive for such a high quality product.  I tend to buy these in bulk and keep a back up stock.  I replace them as soon as someone has colored too hard or the tip has been destroyed by an overzealous creator.  There is something about a fresh set of Crayola markers that gets me every single time.  No bells and whistles, just straight up markers.  By the way, a pack of these markers and some good paper is one of my go-to gifts to give as a big brother/ big sister gift.


CHALK/  This is a GREAT value.  We go through so much chalk because there are an infinite amout of ways to use it! We keep a  bucket of colored chalk on our front stoop so that anytime the children are playing out front, there is an open invitation to make their mark.  A few times, we’ve even done THIS! 


STAMPS These are open ended and can be used in so many ways.  They will be used by children for many years.  For the very young child, I would put out only one or two stamps and one ink pad and a very big sheet of roll-paper.  As children get older and more experienced you can offer more.  They can be used for patterning, shape recognition, and for open-ended art experoences.  (They also double as great playdough tools). 

Individual Stamp Pads

STAMP PADSI love these because you can put out as many or as few colors as you like.  For younger children, I put out just one color while they experiment with learning the technique it takes to stamp color on the page.  As the children become more experienced, you can add colors and talk about wiping the stamps between colors.  These ink pads last a long time and don’t dry out if you take care of them properly.  

As always, I am so grateful for all of your support and I thank you for reading and following along with me here and on Instagram.  ~Lizzie

Clothes and Gear Gift Guide

Do you want to give your family gifts that they will actually use? So do I.  These are some of our tried and true favorites.  Click to shop.  

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  1.  Bibbed Rain Pants from one of our favorite shops, Biddle and Bop Kids.  If you follow me on IG, you know my kids are wearing these ALL. THE. TIME.
  2. Victorinox Swiss Army Fieldmaster Pocket Knife My 8 and 10-year-olds have this and they use it all the time in the woods, at the beach, and at home.  

  3. Savage Seeds T-shirts Stylish, soft, and with great sentiment.  

  4. Gathre Mat We worked with Gathre back in June and tried out this beautiful, bonded leather mat.  It quickly became one of our most-used items.  Its so beautiful and functional.  These mats make a great gift for moms, new and old.  

  5. 9oz Swell Bottle  These bottles never leak, keep hot stuff hot and cold stuff cold.  We love to use ours for hot chocolate in the snow during the winter.  

  6. OmieLife Lunch Box These are the lunch boxes my children use every day.  They have an option to pack hot or cold.  They are super durable and fit inside a standard lunch box.  

  7. Micro Mini Deluxe Kick Scooter We never travel without these.  They come apart easily to fit in your suitcase! They make great options for tots through adults.  

  8. Bogs Kids Classic High Winter Snow Boot These are the boots you'll see my children, my husband and I sporting this winter.  They are super durable, waterproof and warm. We've been wearing them for years and they make for great hand-me-downs!

  9.  Maileg Mouse - Twins in a Box Are you wondering why a toy is on my Clothes and Gear Guide? Well, these little mice are basically gear for my four-year-old.  She never leaves home without them (literally) and they keep her occupied on the go.  I think that qualifies as gear, right?

  10. Native Jefferson Shoe This is our other shoe of choice.  My kids rock Natives from the first thaw until the first frost.  They are completely waterproof, flexible and rubber-soled.  They come in all colors and sizes. 

Some of these links are affiliate links.  That means that I collect a small finders fee when you shop through my link.  It does not cost you anything.  Thank you for supporting The Workspace for Children by shopping my links.  



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I sent my kids to the grocery store with an empty wagon, $35, and a list…here’s what happened.

It was a Sunday afternoon and my youngest child was out with my husband.  I was cleaning the house and getting ready for the week ahead.  My big kids (seven and ten) were underfoot and creating clutter everywhere! (Did I mention I was attempting to clean?)  I was getting ready to meal prep and I was missing a few things. So…. I sent the kids to the store. We live about a half-mile from our town center, which happens to be a quaint little village.  My kids are comfortable out and about without me and I’m at ease with it as well. 

This little trip would shoo them out of my hair, and get me the groceries I needed.  Win-win. I gave them $35, which was more than what they would need, a list, and our wagon.  They were instructed to walk straight to the market and then back home. No stops along the way. 

I trust them to follow my instructions because they’ve practiced for years.  We started when they were very little.  I would allow them to drop something at the next-door neighbor’s house all by themselves when they were three years old.  I would watch through the window as their self-confidence EXPLODED.  As they matured, I provided them with the opportunities to go a little farther.  In the grocery store, I would let them go to another aisle, get one thing and come straight back.  They practiced ordering from the deli counter at a very young age.  They know how to order food in a restaurant and how to ask for directions to the restrooms.  When they were little, and even sometimes now, I watched and stayed nearby to keep them safe. They all learned our phone number and last name just as soon as they could talk.  (I taught them by making up a little song to help them memorize it).  

So, on that Sunday, Nate and Ruby went to the store, filled the wagon with what they needed and returned home. They were happy, I was happy.  Off they went to play. 

Later that evening, I asked them how it went, and what challenges, if any, they ran into.  They looked at each other and giggled.   Then they explained the two main issues they ran into. 

The first problem was that the wagon wouldn’t fit through the narrow doors of the supermarket.  They didn’t know where to park it because they were worried it would get taken or that it might roll away.  They weren’t sure they’d be able to carry the groceries home if they didn’t have the wagon.  After some discussion, they decided on a spot they thought would work and it did. 

The second issue they encountered was when the store was out of our usual brand of whole milk.  They couldn’t decide if they should skip it altogether or buy another kind.  In the end, they decided to purchase another brand.

Neither of these situations are particularly problematic.  Nothing bad would have happened if they had made an alternative decision. The important thing is that they had the opportunity to problem solve in the real world when the stakes were low. 

I’m going to say that again because I think it is so important.  They had the opportunity to problem solve in the real world when the stakes were low.  Why is this so important? I fear that many of our children are not learning how to navigate situations without us or without relying on technology to solve the problem for them.  Giving children the opportunity to practice important life skills when they are young is crucial to how they will handle real life when they are older and the stakes are much, much higher. 

And no, my kids did not have a cell phone to bring on their journey.  If they had one with them, what do you think they would’ve done when they ran into problem number one? They would’ve called me and asked me to solve the problem for them. 

As parents, it is so tempting to keep our children cocooned up as long as we can.  We are hardwired to want to catch them before they fall.  But what if we thought of keeping them safe in another light? What if we thought about letting them fall down while we are still here to help them get up? I want my kids to learn how to fail.  They must know how to face a small problem before they can attempt a big one.  They need to get lost so they can practice finding their way home.  They need to develop confidence in their ability to help themselves.  I am teaching them to trust their own instincts and abilities by giving them the opportunity to practice.

Do you allow your children some independence? I know it is not your typical sighting to see a seven and ten-year-old shopping alone at the grocery store...

Please let me know your thoughts on this topic in the comments below.  Thank you for reading and for following along on my parenting journey. 


Workspace Holiday Gift Guide: PART TWO


1. Moluk Plui Rain Cloud Tub Toy  The best bath toy EVER.  It opens up, so there is no chance of the yucky stuff lingering inside, its easy on the eye in your bathroom, and interactive.  Perfect for babies all the way up. My big kids can't stop using it. 

2. Moluk Oogi Jr Fidget Toy This is great for keeping little (and big) hands busy in highchairs, car windows, airplane tray tables, the bathtub, just about anywhere.  It washes easily and is fun for all ages.

3. Kikkerland Solar-powered Rainbow Maker: They Stick up to the window and use natural light to project a rainbow.  All three of my kids are getting one this year...Shhh! 

4. The Original Toy Company Happy Pop Up ToyThis is my favorite thing to give to the toddlers in my life. It is a perfect toy for cause and effect, it is well made and so darn cute. 

5. Sarah's Silks Enchanted Playsilk: This is great if you are new to the magic of playsilks.  If you are hesitant to spend on the larger set (in part one), start with just one silk.  It makes a beautiful dress, cape, tent, blanket, or anything else your child can imagine.

6. Hape Animals Wooden Memory Game: This beautiful set is well made and will be treasured for years.  It will be making an appearance at our house this year. 

7.  OOLY, Color Appeel Crayon Sticks: These are as fun to use as they are to look at.  They last forever and are very high quality.  They make an invitation to play look very enticing.

8.  Ostheimer Hedgehog, Cat, Bunny: I can’t decide which ones we are getting this year. I want them ALL!

9.  14 Piece Tegu Magnetic Wooden Block Set: These magnetic, wooden blocks are wonderful to work with.  We have had one small set for a  few years and I definitely plan to add to our collection.  They are great on their own or can be used on a metal tray for a new experience.

10. OOLY Heart to Heart Stacking Crayons (comes with 2 sets): I love these keeping these in my bag for easy coloring at the doctor’s office or at a restaurant.  They are adorable when you need a little gift or stocking stuffer.

11. Plus-Plus Tube Neon Mix (70 pcs.): These are the perfect tube to stick in your glove compartment and bring in to restaurants to keep everyone’s hands working.  The neon set is fantastic on the light table as well! 

12.Grimm's Small (Mini) 6-Piece Rainbow Nesting Wooden Blocks Stacker: The mini-version of our all-time favorite.  It is an instant classic.

13. Amber teething necklace: Both of my girls still wears theirs from when they were babies.  The amber is both beautiful and functional.

14.Pustefix Bubbles: Did you have these when you were a kid? I did! This classic never goes out of style as a great stocking stuffer.  These are THE BEST bubbles.

Did you read PART ONE of our Holiday Shopping Guide? Click here to see it! 

There is one more installment coming soon.  You don't want to miss it!

Thank you for checking out my Gift Guides.  They contain affiliate links which cost you nothing and give me a small finders fee.  Thank you for supporting The Workspace for Children by shopping through my links. 



Workspace Guide to Holiday Shopping...


If you've been following along with us for a while, you know that I am all about quality over quantity of toys.  Our playroom is small with open-ended materials that are appropriate for all three of my children (10,7,4).  Yes.  You read that right.  All three children can use all of the materials in our playroom.  That is the special thing about finding a well-made, open-ended material.  It lasts forever and can become whatever your child wants it to be- at any age.  

Now, I know you are about to be invaded with gift guides.  I usually don't even do one because I feel so overwhelmed by all of the ones other people publish! But, many of you have asked me to provide you with a gift-guide, so here it is...I will be publishing three guides this year.  So keep your eyes peeled for the other two! 

The first guide is things we already own (or very similar products) and have loved for years.  I have attached some affiliate links, and I really appreciate you purchasing through my link.  It gives me a tiny fee and it costs you nothing.  

1.  Unit Blocks   2.  Grimms Large Rainbow  3. Felt Library  4. Playsilks   5. Light Table  6. Hape Dollhouse   7.  Wooden Rocker Board  (Click for link to purchase)

If you've been following along with us for a while, you know that I am all about quality over quantity of toys.  Our playroom is small with open-ended materials that are appropriate for all three of my children (10,7,4).  Yes.  You read that right.  All three children can use all of the materials in our playroom.  That is the special thing about finding a well-made, open-ended material.  It lasts forever and can become whatever your child wants it to be- at any age.  

This is a guide to things we already own (or very similar products) and have loved for years.  I have attached some affiliate links, and I really appreciate you purchasing through my link.  It gives me a very small kickback and it costs you nothing.  Please reach out to me with ANY questions about anything in this guide.  Share it with the grandparents!! 

Here's the WHY behind the items that I chose to share in our guide: 

1. Unit Blocks... This is a link to the FAVORITE most-used toy in our home.  

2. Grimms Rainbow... This is one of my favorite things to give.  It looks beautiful on any shelf and can be played with a billion different ways.  It is so well made and no one is EVER unhappy with this gift.  Kids know what to do with a Grimms Rainbow.... and their parents are psyched it's not plastic and it doesn't make noise or need batteries.  

3. A Felt Library.  I bought one of these a few years ago on a whim.  I was attracted to the vibrant colors and texture. These are a staple in our playroom.  They are for sorting, pretending and much, much more.  

4. Set of Large Playsilks. These playsilks will replace all of the "dress up" chaos in your home.  These silks can be a roof for a fort, a beautiful dress, a cape, or something to drag your little sibling around on.  They make baby beds and nests for stuffed animals.  Bonus: They look beautiful hanging on hooks in your playroom or child's nursery.  

5.  Light Table.  This was a family gift that we gave to our children years ago.  It gets used every. single. day.  The light adds another dimension of learning to activity that you choose to play on the table.  Ours has stood the test of time and all three of my children use this table daily.  

6.  Hape Dollhouse.  This dollhouse is one of the most asked-about toys on my IG feed.  It was a gift to my middle daughter when she was two (she's now almost 8!).  

7.  Wooden Rocker Board.  This is such a versatile, well-made toy.  It can be used from infants to adult.  It is a balance board, a bridge, a scene for pretend play, a baby bed, or a sturdy bridge for babies.  We LOVE ours.  

I hope you all found this helpful.  The next guide is coming later this week... So, stay tuned.  Thank you for reading! 


Has Your Child Stopped Napping? Quiet Time Solved.


Do your young children have down time? I mean REAL down time. Time to be bored, time to make up aimless games and stories?  Do they have the opportunity to spend time alone? Truly alone, not alone with an iPad.  Do they have quiet time carved out for them as part of the day? Mine do. And yours can too. You and your children deserve some down time.  I am going to help you get it.  

Why My Family Needs Consistent Quiet time:

I rely on this quiet, independent playtime everyday because I need it. I crave it.  So do my kids.  Without a little while each day to just sit still, I go all crazy and moody.  And if I go crazy, my whole house turns into a zoo. A wild, untamed, unhappy zoo.

It's no secret that I am not good at the constant go-go-go.  It stresses me out and I become an impatient yeller.  (My neighbors can vouch for this. They see me yelling and hustling children in and out the my car.  ALL. THE. TIME.) For our family, the antidote to the crazy is taking a few moments of quiet time.  Chilling out.  Yes, you can teach your kids the art of chilling out.  It  takes commitment, consistency, and a little bit of creativity. 

We all need a break.  I’m going to tell you how we carve out a break almost every day. I really believe all children can learn to have quiet time.  I have heard many people talk about how their first-borns are too needy, or their boys too active.  They worry that without a screen in front of them, or an adult to play with, their children cannot chill. They can. I promise. It will take some work on your end, but it's worth it.

My Family's Quiet Time Rules:

1.    You are alone (not with your sister or brother, and DEFINITELY not with me.)

2.    You are playing, reading, creating, or sleeping.

3.    Your time is self-directed.

Of course, those guidelines look very different for a four year old, seven year old and ten year old. 

Four Year Old Quiet Time:

For Sloane, quiet time is often brief.  About 35 to 40 minutes. It is usually spent in her room or in our little playroom/den.  Lately, her activity of choice is playing babies, dollhouse, or blocks. 

Seven Year Old Quiet Time: 

Ruby loves art.  So, quiet time for her is drawing, sewing, beading- any kind of making.  Making is her gift.  Quiet time-making happens in her room, therefore, it needs to be non-messy making.  Her quiet time can last anywhere from twenty-five minutes to an hour.  She gets lonely.  Her personality demands she be part of a crowd. It's who she is. An hour of ‘alone’ is more than enough for her.  

Ten Year Old Quiet Time:

Nate is airplane-obsessed.  So, his quiet time almost always involves drawing and tracing airplanes.  He wants to use the light table for tracing. The Light table is kept in our kitchen and his quiet time is set in his room, so the clever little guy set himself up a tracing station in his room.  He tapes his work up to the sunny window and the light comes through. Perfect for his tracing habit. He also enjoys time with legos and magnatiles.  His quiet time can run well over an hour when he has the luxury of time. 

Nature vs Nurture:  

Like I said earlier, I believe all children can enjoy some quiet time.  I believe that all children NEED downtime, especially in our chaotic world.   I know that it does not come easily to everyone.  My oldest child is dreamy by nature.  He beats to his own drum and has always been able to occupy himself.   Even as a young toddler, he was happy with his cars and trucks and blocks for long periods of time. My middle child is not this way at all.  When she gave up her nap (before two years old!), I nearly lost my mind.  She always wanted a playmate, was into everything and I could not deal.  Her nap time was during her brother’s quiet time and my time to chill for a minute.  There was no way I could give up those few moments of peace.  So, I taught her how to be independent.  

Know That Quiet Time can be a Learned Skill....Believe it. 

Here's how we did it.... First, I made sure I really filled her up before quiet time.  Ruby had lunch and her milk.  More importantly, we read and played together.  I gave her a period of undivided attention and labeled that time.  We set the timer for 15 minutes and played together.  No interuptions from the phone, her brother, the doorbell, etc.   Barring an emergency, there was NO distraction.  I promised her that.  It was our “play together” time. 

After that was her “quiet time”.  Again, we set the timer.  The first day for 5 minutes, the next day 10 minutes and so on.  The timer defined our time.  Not me.  This is important.  I would say, “The timer will tell you when our time is over.”

In the early days,  I would set out some simple invitations to play.  A small blanket with a pretty bowl full of gems and a mirror for arranging them.  Or a mat with a dollhouse and a few people and animals.  A child-sized table with paper and colored pencils and stickers.  You get the idea.  If not, get on Instagram and plug in the hashtag #invitationtoplay.  It’ll fuel you. 

Invitations should be open-ended.  Your child should be able to take the material wherever his or her mind goes. 

To me, quiet time is a form of meditation.  Meditation is an ongoing practice.  Quiet time over here is always evolving, changing forms and continues to be ongoing.  Sometimes we hit a rut and need to shake things up a bit.  Sometimes, we have a few days where it just isn’t possible.  On those days, I know I can expect more whining, fighting and general crankiness (from me and the kids). 

When we’ve hit a rut, I might mix things up by rotating toys, putting materials in an unexpected location, or setting up a more involved invitation to play.  If it’s nice weather, one of the kids will have their quiet time outside on the deck in our tinker space.  My oldest might choose the basement where his piano and his work bench live.  It all depends on the day.  I’ve learned to expect the unexpected and I try to be as flexible as I can. 

What if my Child Keeps Coming out of his Room?

Keep walking them back.  Just like the experts say when your child keeps coming down at bedtime.  When Ruby was small, she wouldl test me by coming out of her room multiple times.  Each time I would neutrally walk her back, reminding her that the timer didn't say it was time to come out yet.  It was a bit trying at times, but TOTALLY WORTH IT. She learned the skill of quiettime through repetition and mastery.  She learned to love quiettime when the routine was set, and it wasn't even a question anymore.  At that point, she figured out how much fun she could have all on her own.  

One of the most important things I want to pass to my kids is the gift of being bored.   I want them to be alone with their thoughts, to sit with themselves and contemplate.  Insisting on quiet time  is the gift I give to my family and to myself.

There are tons of great articles on the benefits of quiet, independent play.  I linked some here and here.  You can also look on Instagram or Pinterest for inspirational invitations to play.  However, keep it as simple as you can.  You absolutely do not need to go out and buy anything new, nor do you need to spend more than 5 minutes setting it up. 

Lastly, remember this.  It doesn’t matter how old your child is when you start having quiet time.  Just start where you are.  Expect it to be difficult at first.  You can even introduce it by being honest…. “I want to teach you a new skill.  It’s called independent play.  This is how we will learn it…”  When we take the time to explain what is happening, the response is often great. 

I would love to hear from you in the comments.  Do you have a quiet time in your home? How do you make it happen? Did you find any of these tips helpful? Can you share some new ideas and tips to start the habit of quiet time? 

Thank you for reading and following along.  




Is your preschooler having a friend over after school today?

My four year old always wants to bring friends home with her after a morning of preschool.  I love that she wants to be social.  But, truth be told, she is not the most fun child right after school.  She is usually ravenous and cranky. She’s been sharing all morning, and most likely, she will find turn-taking at home to be hard.  Typically, our schedule involves lunch and quiettime, so a playdate can be taxing on her. But, Sloane  loves spending time with friends, and I love that she is developing that part of herself.

 Here is how I support Sloane in afterschool playdates:

I prep lunch BEFORE I do the school pick up.  I set up a tray of finger foods that make lunch fast, filling, and energy-boosting .  Today, I put out a long tray with a bowl of carrots, a bowl of pretzels, hummus for dipping, a bowl of apple slices and some cashew butter and honey mixed to make a dip for apples.  Each child had their own yogurt cup and they grazed together on the snack tray. 


I prep a simple, open-ended activity that includes a sensory component.  Today, the children used a tinker tray of loose parts with rainbow playdough.  I chose this activity because it was easy.  I already had all of the necessary components at my fingertips . I simply pulled out an old tray and filled it with bits and bobs from our art cabinet and then I dug into my playdough stash.  I keep playdough in these containers and it lasts forever!

When I am prepping an activity,  I always try to have more than what I will need.  Tired kiddos make impatient sharers, so I want to be sure to make play easy for them by having more than enough and limiting wait-time.  

I try to incorporate a sensory component to the play because it can be comforting to a child who might be feeling unsure in our home environment.  Playdough is attractive to ALMOST all four year olds.  It’s familiar and can go in any direction the children take it. 

Two More Lifesavers:

  • Keep them short! A playdate for a four year old doesn't need to be longer than a hour or so.  

  • ALWAYS show your guest where the potty is before you do anything else. 

Below you will find the supplies that I used in my tinker tray.  They are affiliate links.  Thank you for your support. 

Chenille Stems

Various Buttons

Colored Toothpicks

Google Eyes

For the tinker tray you could use a recyled egg carton or this one

The mirrors are from Ikea.

Click here for a link to my favorite playdough recipe.

How do you feel about preschool playdates? Love em' or hate em'?  Do have any advice for me about preschool playdates? Talk to me in the comments below.

Thanks for reading along!


Why I Juice with my Kids and Our Favorite Recipe for Yummy Green Juice


Juicing with Kids

We love to make juice! Here's why. 

We have been on a big juicing kick lately and with cold and flu season upon us, I am going to try to keep it up! I don’t know a whole lot about juicing, but I am happy to share our family’s experience with you. 

The Top Five Reasons I Juice with my Kids:

1. Do your children eat the recommended daily servings of green leafy vegetables? Mine don’t.  In fact, I don’t even know what the recommended amount is.  When we juice, I know my kids are consuming a lot more greens than they could fit on a plate, let alone eat. 

2. It’s really fun.  They love squishing the food down the hatch and watching the juice pour through and the pulp snake out.  My guys also have a tendency to much along the way (more goodness consumed).

3. It’s a delicious way to boost energy and consume a mega-punch of vitamins and nutrients.

4. Much like any kind of cooking, juicing is an activity that can be extended into all kinds of learning.  There is math, science, literacy, sensory learning, language, etc. 

5. Making and enjoying the juice lends itself to a great sense of accomplishment. I feel like an awesome mom for hanging with my kids and producing something mega-healthy. The children are so excited to share the juice they save for Daddy when he gets home.  Plus, they see how they turned a huge pile of fruits and veggies into a beautiful, yummy product.  

Our Recipe

Pineapple, kiwi, green apple, orange and/or lemon, celery, spinach, kale/collards.


We have developed a favorite recipe over the years. There are a million great ones out there, but here is our standard:

Pineapple (no skin)

Kiwi (no skin)

Green Apple

Lemon or Orange (no skin, leave on white pith)



Kale/ collards

We use whatever is on hand and in varying amounts.  If your kids are new to juicing, start out heavier on the fruit and lighter on the greens.  You can up the green factor each time you juice. 

Do you like to juice with your crew? Do you have a favorite website for juicing or a favorite recipe? Share it in the comments below.  


Thanks for reading! -Lizzie 

Why I Don't Homeschool My Children


Quick question. Do you homeschool? If not, what kind of school do your children attend and does it compliment how you are bringing them up? Also what do their afternoons after school look like? Do you do activities with them in this time? My child has just started school and wondering how his time can be managed out of school?! Thank you for your time x
— Instagram DM

First, thank you for the DMs and the private messages on my Facebook and Instagram.  I really appreciate it when you take the time to connect with me.  I spend a lot of time creating content  to share with all of you and sometimes it feels like I am shooting it into a great black hole! Questions and feedback are always appreciated.  Getting to know you guys is a special experience that I value. 

Do you homeschool?

I do not homeschool my kids.  I have so much respect for the parents and caregivers who are able to do this.  I am not one of them.  To be completely honest, I value the time that my children are off at school! I use that time to work, take care of our home and family responsibilities, volunteer and get the occasional haircut or pedicure!


What kind of school do your children attend?

My youngest is in nursery school at a wonderful reggio-inspired co-op. It is a one-room schoolhouse in the center of a beautiful park.  My big kids went there too and it is a second home to all of us. 

My middle daughter attends second grade in our local public school in an inclusion classroom.  While she is typically developing, I believe in the inclusion model and I always request to have my children placed within in that setting. 

My oldest child is in fifth grade at public school. Next year he’s off to middle school, eeek!

The big two are in public school and the little one will be there next year.  I value their school experience in a myriad of ways.  Are there things I would change if I could? Of course.  Do I agree with everything there? No way. 

When my oldest was entering Kindergarten, I really struggled.  I was still a new parent and it was hard for me to send him off into the unknown.  He was learning in a way that wasn’t mom-approved and his world became much less child-centered than he (I) was used to.  My husband believed strongly in sending the children to public school with their neighborhood friends.  Plus, there was no way we could afford private school. So, off he went to public Kindergarten. At the time, it was hard for me, but as they say, hindsight is 20/20 and I am SO happy we decided to send the children off to school with their friends.  They (and I) have become flexible, made many friends and we all have learned a ton along the way.  I am so grateful to the teachers, speciality staff, administration and support staff that work their butts off every day to give my children a safe, happy school experience. 

What do their afternoons look like?

I attempt to unschedule our afternoons to the best of my ability.  Unstructured playtime is a core family value.  Ideally, I want my children to come home from school and chill.  We love to explore in the woods, play at home, make and create, and ride bikes.  Reality, however, is another story. 

Nate (10) loves unstructured time to ride his bike.  It is his passion and he would do it all day if he could.  He's never bored and has always been really good at occupying himself either alone or with friends.  He insists on keeping his afternoons clear and I support it! He has religious school one afternoon per week.  He aslo plays the piano and takes a lesson in our home one 45 minute period per week. 

Ruby (age 7) plays soccer at an elementary level.  I was not enthused when she asked to play. We’ve never really been a sporty family and the thought of lugging children to and from practices multiple times a week did not appeal to me.  I envisioned fighting with her to get ready and then watching her be unenthusiastic in the game…Boy was I wrong!  She LOVES soccer, is eager to head to practice, and we are in a carpool which frees me up from the constant driving.  My heart swells to watch her play.  She is strong and confident and willing to take risks.  Above all, she is a gracious and kind teammate. 

Sloane (age 4) goes to nursery school five mornings per week.  She does not participate in any scheduled after school activities.  She has an occasional playdate, but mostly it's just independent play time while she eagerly awaits her siblings arrival home.  Sloane receives speech and language therapy one hour per week in our home. 

We lean towards early bedtimes and we eat dinner around 5:30 most evenings.   I am an early to bed, early to rise person and my children have always been quite similar to me in that regard. 

Do you do activities in the afternoon with your children?

Yes and no.... let me explain.  We have an open-ended art cabinet and plenty of open-ended toys to work with.  Because we spend a lot of time playing, my kids are good at it.  They don’t need me to carve out an activity for them. They have learned to be industrious, self-starters. 

On the flip side, making and creating with my children is my passion.  It is my joy to set up an invitation to create and watch them go to it.  Creating together as a family is joyful.  So, yes, I do set up activities a few times a week. 



That's it! That is what our school and after school looks like.  Did I answer your questions? Do you have more? What do you hope to see more of here and on my Instagram? It is an honor for me to use this platform to help other moms and families in their journeys of figuring out what works for their tribe.  Please reach out to me in the comments. I love to hear from you.  

Thanks for following along, 


A Peek Inside Our Art Cabinet

I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way- things I had no words for.
— Georgia O'Keeffe

Our art cabinet is the epicenter of our home.  It is where we store the tools we use to cReaTe as well as the tools we need in our everyday lives.  There is a more detailed  post about the how and why of our art cabinet from my archives right HERE. 

In this post, you'll find me linking up everything you saw in my latest IG Post.  You can shop these links or be thrifty and find similar items in the dollar bin at Target or in your local Dollar Store.  

Some of the products listed below are aff. links.  As always, thank you so much for following along with me and my creative crew as we navigate childhood and family life. 






A "Just Right" Activity

Cooking with kids is not just about ingredients, recipes, and cooking. It’s about harnessing imagination, empowerment, and creativity.
— Guy Fieri

Have you ever read the story SAM by Ann Herbert Scott? It is the story of a little boy who wants to play with his brother and sister, but no matter how hard he tries, he keeps failing miserably.  Sam is really sad until his mom thinks up an activity that is just right for him.  Well, this is exactly what happened to my youngest child today.  Both her brother and sister had friends over and she wanted to be included in their games.  Usually, this isn't an issue. But today, she just couldn't make it work.  Cranky and dejected, she looked to me.  I was busy in the kitchen prepping for the school week ahead, and I didn't want her sticky little fingers in my work either! Poor little lady. Until...I thought of an ideal activity to raise her four-year-old spirits.  

I decided to set Sloane up to make her own fruit salad.  First, she choose a peach and an apple from the bowl on the table.  She dragged a chair up to the sink to wash and dry her fruit.  I pulled out a sturdy cutting board and my favorite knife to use with the under-five set. I set her up at a low table where she can stand and use the strength of her entire body.  I made sure to prep the apples and peach by slicing them to make a flat, even surface for her to work on.  We talked a little bit about how to hold the knife and where the blade is located. And that was it! Simple.  She hummed and chopped away while I worked nearby.  When the big kids wandered downstairs looking for a snack, she shined as she shared her fruit salad! 

This simple activity exercised her fine motor skills, but more importantly, it built up her sense-of -self.  Do you cook with your littles at home? What tools do you love? I would love to discover more cooking tools for young children.  

*This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for your support. 




Can Your Child Direct Her Own Play?


I'm mixing things up a little bit on my blog today....

If you follow along with me on my parenting journey on Instagram , you already know a lot about my mom-style.  I believe in a creative, adventurous, child-led approach to momming.  From time to time, fellow moms will reach out to me for advice about their children. I'm sharing one question here in hopes of helping more moms.

Here's a question from a mom of a toddler: 

QUESTION:  "My daughter is 2.5 and we are struggling to stay interested in activities at home.  She’s great out and about, but at home it’s a different story.  I was wondering if you found that the child-led approach was more successful for your children as they became a bit older?

My daughter starts a Reggio school next month and I used to teach art at a children’s museum so I have a lot of experience with the approach.  I’m just finding it a lot more challenging with my own child at home.  I am wondering if you had similar challenges? " 

 ANSWER: "First, the fact that you are even thinking about what kind of parenting approach you want to take is a parenting-win. 

I think a couple of things might be happening for you and your daughter.  As I am sure you already know, two and a half years olds are testing boundaries and limits constantly.  They are supposed to.  It's their job. As moms, it can be really challenging.  I know It was for me. She might be sensing your desire for the child-led approach to be successful, and if so, maybe she is pushing back.

That said, I do believe in a child-led approach, right from the beginning.  Young children are capable of directing their own play. They need the time, space and confidence to work it all out.

A few things I might ask myself in your shoes.... Are my expectations for my child’s play in line with her environment, her temperament and her developmental stage? How can I adjust my own expectations to make them more realistic?  In response to your question, it might be helpful to think about how you define success and go from there.

The next thing I would look at is her play space.  Is it defined?  Is it overloaded with choices or are there just a few open-ended materials? I always lean towards keeping the selection of materials small.  Additionally, children don’t require a lot of space to call their own.  Even a small corner marked off with tape would work just fine. 

Finally, and probably most importantly, remind yourself that everything is a phase.  Do what feels right, even if it is not exactly what you might think a child-led experience would offer. 

Thank you for trusting me with your question. Good luck, Mama! You are doing a great job.

Do you have any questions for me? Send me an email or comment below.   

Thanks for following along with me. 




How To Set Up the EASIEST Baby Doll-Washing Station Using Stuff You Already Have

Baby Doll Wash Station

Do you want to make your toddler's day and feel like an awesome mom?  I've got a simple activity that won't take much time to set up, and probably won't cost you a dime! 

What You Will Need:

  •  2 large-ish Bins (we used IKEA Trofast Bins)
  •  Plastic, Water-proof Baby Dolls
  • Washcloths or Old Rags
  • Shaving cream, lotion or baby shampoo -anything works.
  • Soap (I cut up bars of dollar store soap.)
  • Preemie Diapers (optional)
  • A few small cups for scooping water
  • Dishtowel for drying the babies
  • Water Dispenser for rinsing. (I like this one. We use it for all of our water play.)

The Set Up

If you are lucky enough to live somewhere warm, head outdoors! We live in the Northeast.  It is COLD and we are about to get dumped with snow.  Needless to say, this will be an indoor activity for a while.  For us indoor folk, I recommend setting up on the kitchen floor or maybe the bathroom.  

Here's How to Do it:

1) Lay out a large drop cloth to ground the activity.  If you are inside, I love this waterproof mat.  It absorbs water and  protects your floors from wet and messy play.

2) Set up a few “bathtubs” filled with a few inches of water.

3) Place water-proof babies inside the bins.

4) Lay out all of your bath accessories in an enticing way.  Or, just dump them in a pile- your kids won't care! 

5) Set up your rinsing station over a bucket. I balance it on a stool set just above the ‘bathtub' bin. This makes it feel like a real faucet for rinsing.

6) Roll up your child's sleeves and....

That's it! Now you can watch your kid have fun and feel like an awesome, fun mom.  Or you can zone on your phone with a cup of coffee while your child is occupied and super happy.  

Check out these links to some other really fantastic washing stations:

Have you ever set up a baby-doll washing station? Are you going to set up this one? I would love to hear from you.  Tell me about it in the comments below and tag me in your washing station pictures on Instagram @theworkspaceforchildren.  

Thanks for reading along, 


*this post contains some aff. links.  Thank you for your support.*