the Workspace for Children

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We love stickers over here at The Workspace.  This is an example of a simple invitation to create using stickers.  I put it together in just a few minutes, but I know that there will be hours spent creating with it.  

Stickers are a great fine motor exercise for little fingers. They are useful and fun for all ages.

For the very little ones, I peel stickers and tape in advance.  Here is an example of how I might adapt this tray for the toddler set.

Toddler Sticker Tray

Stickers are always a travel companion for us.  In every bag, in my coat pockets and in the glove compartment of our car, you will find baggies of stickers and small papers.  We use them in restaurants, at the doctor's office, in traffic, at Grandma's house, and just about everywhere else.

Have stickers, will travel.

Stickers are a mainstay in our art cabinet.  The children use them for patterning, collaging, making mandalas, making people and monsters.  They cut them, draw on them with sharpies, etc.  I try to remember to talk about only using stickers on paper or with other art materials. We talk about how stickers can ruin clothing, furniture and windows. 

Here is a list of our favorite stickers and trays for setting them out.  They are affiliate links, Thank you for your support.  


Do you use stickers in your home or school? Tell me about it. I would love to hear from you

Happy Stickering, 
