Tired and cranky kids

“This lockdown is all too much. I am exhausted and high-strung. My kids are having melt downs left and right. I know I should set up some kind of activity for them, but I. JUST. CANNOT. DEAL.

Why can’t I just pull it together and do something fun for them?”

I will tell you why: You’ve been tasked with the impossible. This situation is NOT NORMAL. You are possible the most stressed you’ve ever been. You are not your child’s teacher. Families are not meant to stay cooped up inside with no social contact for weeks on end. I could go on, but I think you get the point.

First things first: YOU are enough for your child. You are keeping them safe and fed. Congratulate yourself on that. No one has parented during COVID 19 before us. There are no rules and you are doing the best you can.

But… I get it. Being enough does not solve the issue of pulling it together and getting it done.

That’s why I am sharing three things that almost always lifted spirits over here when the chips were down in the past. Will it work during COVID 19? Dunno. Like you, I’ve never parented in a global pandemic.

Here’s to hoping these three activities lighten the mood by you.


shaving cream sensory play

Have your child put on a swim suit and sit them in the dry bath tub or shower.  Add a bowl of warm water, a GIANT pile of shaving foam and some toys animals. Sometimes I add a drop of essential oil for a mood busting secret weapon.  Let them foam up the walls, themselves, their animals, whatever floats their boat.  They’ll know what to do… Tell them the rule is that the foam must stay in the tub or shower (this saves you from a huge clean up). When they are all finished? Turn on the shower or tub and rinse everyone and everything clean.  

This activity is best for preschool and up.  

Worried about it getting in their eyes? Here’s how I lay it down:

Me: “Guess what, I am going to set up a relaxing activity for you today! You are going to use shaving cream and toys in the tub.”

Child: “Wow!”

Me: Using shaving cream is definitely not for little kids, because it would be too hard for them to follow the rules.  They might put it in their mouth or get it in their eyes.  If you start to forget, I will remind you of all the rules to keep you safe while you are having fun in there.”


Painting in the shower

Strip them down, or let them wear an old bathing suit and hop in the empty tub or shower.

Bring in those hardly-ever used finger paints and let your child paint themselves, the walls, and the floor of the tub or shower. Pro-tip? Add a drop of baby soap or dish soap to the paint. It will all wash down SO much easier. You can give them paint brushes, rollers, or even spray bottles. If you are worried about the tub getting slippery, put down an old towel or a drop cloth for some grip, or have your child sit on her bottom while painting. You could drop some baby dolls or dinosaurs in there and let them paint those too! Want to start small? Try paint sticks or gel crayons and some washi tape to keep the “art” on one spot. 


Take a walk

Seriously…It sounds so lame, but taking an aimless walk, letting your child lead the way is a huge mood lifter.  Your little one has been stuck inside all day.  He’s been subject to your moods, sitting still, no running, etc.  Giving your child the opportunity to lead the way, go slow or fast, talk or be silent allows them to just relax.  Your job is to be a quiet presence.  Rather than badger them with questions, just listen.  Follow your child’s lead.

I hope you found this post helpful.  If you want to hear more from me, please be sure to subscribe to my blog and join the conversation over on Instagram.  
